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thomponmax (54)  
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lorida's Governor Ron DeSantis declared a state-wide stay-at-home order today (April 1) after mounting criticism that he hadn't done so yet. Starting on Thursday at midnight people are ordered to stay home unless they are taking part in essential activities.

— Two Holland America cruise ships, Zaandam and Rotterdam are making their way toward Ft. Lauderdale, Florida after having been rejected at several other ports in South America, but are still awaiting a decision as to whether or not they will be allowed to dock in the state, according to The Washington Post. Another cruise ship, The Carol Princess is also expected to arrive to Florida in a couple of days. There are at least 15 ships still out at sea across the world (some with passengers) that are being denied entry at ports, according to CNN.

— Cases in Italy are now peaking, with the daily death toll remaining steady rather than increasing and the daily number of cases now in decline, according to The Financial Times.

— The coronavirus cases in Massachusetts will likely peak sometime in mid-April, epidemiologists predict, according to The Boston Globe.
thomponmax (54)  
rating: Funny0  [0]  Not funny0
lorida's Governor Ron DeSantis declared a state-wide stay-at-home order today (April 1) after mounting criticism that he hadn't done so yet. Starting on Thursday at midnight people are ordered to stay home unless they are taking part in essential activities.

— Two Holland America cruise ships, Zaandam and Rotterdam are making their way toward Ft. Lauderdale, Florida after having been rejected at several other ports in South America, but are still awaiting a decision as to whether or not they will be allowed to dock in the state, according to The Washington Post. Another cruise ship, The Carol Princess is also expected to arrive to Florida in a couple of days. There are at least 15 ships still out at sea across the world (some with passengers) that are being denied entry at ports, according to CNN.

— Cases in Italy are now peaking, with the daily death toll remaining steady rather than increasing and the daily number of cases now in decline, according to The Financial Times.

— The coronavirus cases in Massachusetts will likely peak sometime in mid-April, epidemiologists predict, according to The Boston Globe.
thomponmax (54)  
rating: Funny0  [0]  Not funny0
The Chinese government and the billionaire founders of the online marketplace Alibaba are sending 1,000 ventilators to New York City; they are expected to arrive at JFK Airport today, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said. In addition, Oregon has said the state will send 140 ventilators to the city, ABC News reported.

—The 1,000-bed Navy ship hospital, the USNS Comfort, was tasked with helping the NYC health care system by caring for non-COVID-19 patients; however, on Thursday (April 2), just 20 patients were onboard because of the harsh criteria for who could and could not be treated there. That should change with updated guidelines: "Screening for care on the USNS Comfort will be modified and will now occur pier-side in an effort to reduce the backlog at some of the nearby New York hospitals. The screening effort for the USNS Comfort will no longer require a negative test, but each patient will still be screened by temperature and a short questionnaire," the U.S. Department of Defense said in a statement.

—Hundreds of service members cheered for the recently ousted Navy captain, Brett Crozier, who was relieved of his command after sending a letter asking for help due to an outbreak of COVID-19 on the carrier, Live Science reported.

—Two parishes in Louisiana, in the New Orleans area, have the highest COVID-19 death rate per capita in the United States, according to The Wall Street Journal. For instance, St. John the Baptist Parish has a death rate per capita of nearly 40 virus-related deaths per 100,000 people; Orleans Parish has a death rate from the virus of nearly 38 per 100,000 individuals, the WSJ reported.
thomponmax (54)  
rating: Funny0  [0]  Not funny0

thomponmax (54)  
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a lonely ride
never tell what you see
thomponmax (54)  
rating: Funny0  [0]  Not funny0

a ride so smooth hi tyler?
thomponmax (54)  
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what makes us who we are. It influences nearly every aspect of our lives including what we choose to do for a living, how we interact with our families, and our choices of friends and romantic partners. But what factors influence our personality? Can we change our personalities, or do our overall traits remain constant throughout life?for more thompsonmaiguel746@gmail
mejed (26)  
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mejed (26)  
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lawlucas (62)  
rating: Funny0  [0]  Not funny0
Hello! how are you doing today?
am new here here and am ready to associate
anyone here that is pleasant with my friendship
should please contact me on my private
email address for am not always here
maclaw225@look through ...
here i wait you all.
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